Coming HomeIf you are just returning from time abroad let us be the first to say — WELCOME BACK!
Coming home from an extended period of time abroad can be a challenging process. Many students have trouble readjusting to the surroundings they were used to before they left. Some find it difficult to relate to friends and family and often have trouble reacclimating to American culture. They may even experience what is known as "reverse culture-shock." The MU School of Journalism Global Programs Office can help students readjust to life back on campus. If you need help reacclimating feel free to contact our office, check out the tips and information below, and check out the MU International Center video - Back to the Columns. |
Reverse Culture Shock
"Reverse culture shock" or "return shock" is much like the initial shock you feel when you enter a new culture. "Reverse culture shock", however, can be doubly confusing because you're returning to a culture that you were previously accustomed to. It's kind of like jet-lag in that it takes time for your mind and body to catch up with your new location and surroundings.
Many people experiencing "reverse culture shock" initially feel out of place upon returning. They often feel like their normal routines have been turned upside down or that they have trouble relating to family and friends. Others find that it takes them awhile to readjust to cultural norms or simply need more time to reflect on their trip than they anticipated. The good news is that it will pass. Here are some tips and ways to beat the "back-home blues."
Many people experiencing "reverse culture shock" initially feel out of place upon returning. They often feel like their normal routines have been turned upside down or that they have trouble relating to family and friends. Others find that it takes them awhile to readjust to cultural norms or simply need more time to reflect on their trip than they anticipated. The good news is that it will pass. Here are some tips and ways to beat the "back-home blues."
Before, during, and after your abroad experience, be sure to refer to our Study Abroad Checklist for great tips, recommendations and important details on your term abroad.