The reporting team has logged long hours covering matches and events around the venue and writing articles on them in the Media Center while the PR team has facilitated countless press conferences, interviews and player activities.
As if the bags beneath our eyes and the frequent yawning is not enough proof of our dedication and tireless effort, we’ve generated the following statistics to help put into perspective just how much our group has accomplished over the last 15 days.
Since day one of our time in Beijing, members of the reporting team have been hard at work covering events and writing articles to be published on the 2011 China Open’s website. They’ve spent long days and nights at the tournament ensuring the public receives fair and accurate information on the tournament. Thanks to their unwavering dedication to high-quality journalism (and plenty of packets of instant coffee), the team has generated over 79% of all the English-language articles published on the China Open website during the tournament.
“I knew we were working hard, I’m really impressed with the amount of the tournament’s news coverage that our group produced,” said Danny Matteson of the reporting team. “I feel like I’m leaving with great sports-writing experience.”
The students on the reporting team weren’t the only ones toiling away during the tournament. Members of the PR team had to be available at each match in order coordinate the post-match press conferences and organize player activities. The PR team had a hand in facilitating over 91 percent of the press conferences held during the tournament.
“It was awesome to see all the efforts that go on behind-the-scenes in such a big tournament with player and media relations,” said Peter Schmidt of the PR team. “Now, I understand why public relations practitioners are considered gatekeepers of information.”
Although we did spend the majority of our time at the tennis center, we each also had a great time exploring Beijing, familiarizing ourselves with Chinese culture and getting to know each other in our free time. This, combined with the invaluable experience obtained through our roles at the tournament, has contributed to making the 2011 China Open study abroad program a truly unforgettable experience for all.
To read more about the 2011 China Open, visit the blog our students created here.