But in the meanwhile, read up and learn about the many things you could see and do in just one month in Prague:
1. Lonely Planet has a pretty comprehensive guide, from Prague's history to transportation in the city.
2. WikiTravel has a LOT of information, including a list of sights in the city.
3. This Czech site (in English) has a great list of things to see split up into categories based on areas of the city. It's almost overwhelming the amount of sights they list!
4. pragueexperience.com has lists of concerts, plays, bars, clubs and tours in Prague.
And, of course, don't forget to look at some pictures of the place! This gallery has lots of pretty ones. You can also watch this beautiful slide show on Youtube.
If anything you've read has piqued your curiosity, make sure to go to the info session! Information about the program including the courses you'll take and some of the things you'll do is available right here.
Prague Summer Program Info Session: Monday, February 6, 4pm-5pm Tucker Forum.
...and just in case you're still hesitating, watch this Lonely Planet video of Prague.