Caitlin Alexander
This week, the reality that little time remains between now, the royal
wedding, and my departure from London became all too apparent. CBS has hired
several new interns in preparation of the network's descent on the bureau in
the upcoming weeks. As my supervisor jokes, it seems I've risen in seniority. But to some extent, this seems true. Coworkers have phoned me to help out more often, presumably because they trust me and my work ethic by now. I was sent on a shoot this week to help a producer interview the owner of a bakery manufacturing specialty royal wedding biscuits. I feel as though CBS has helped me think on my feet, because I was able to contemplate gaps in my coworker's questions, and I was allowed to pose a question or two after the formal interview. I'm enjoying spending time and growing with my kind and talented coworkers, and I look forward to cherishing the time I have left with them. On top of the wedding to-dos, I've been watching the
wires and working on my news package. I shot a standup outside of Buckingham Palace!
It felt surprisingly good to return to work after spring break. I dove back into things and wrote several stories this week. One story that I wrote was about how the Carbon Trust has launched a new guide for SMEs on how to make their businesses profitable by going green. The market is estimated to be worth £112 billion in the UK, so it's important for businesses to get involved. I'm particularly proud of this story because The Guardian picked it up and published it on its website. Another story that I'm particularly proud of is the story I wrote about the International Energy Agency's Clean Energy Progress Report. I was able to speak with the report's author, and he gave me a better perspective on what the UK specifically should be doing to reduce its carbon emissions in light of the findings of the report rather than a general overview of what needs to be done globally as stated in the report. It was great to get this unique angle on the story. I also wrote stories about a new recycling scheme that makes recycling thin plastic packaging easier for consumers, growing biomass crops on unused agricultural land to help meet energy targets, a new Scottish research center for developing methods to ensure food security through sustainable farming methods, and additional government funding for tidal energy generation projects.