But the main attraction will certainly be the 2012 Lumix Festival for Young Photojournalism. There, the group of 10-12 Mizzou students that you might be a part of will get to see exhibitions and listen to lectures given by internationally known photographers, among other things.
This is a trailer for the last photo festival in Hannover. This year's trailer isn't available in English yet, but this one has most of what you need to know.
Let's move on to Hamburg. There, students will meet photo editors and visit newsrooms, and it's very much the right place to do it: The New York Times calls Hamburg the "media center of Germany," among other things...
– Denny Lee for the New York Times
Enough said, right? Read the full article here if you're intrigued (which you should be). Also, make sure to take a look at the New York Times Hamburg slideshow.
And about.com has a less poetic but perhaps more practical guide to Munich, listing the top ten sights with links and pictures. Highly recommended.
See you then!